Located about 35 Km north-west of San Jose. Known by the indians as Pacaca. Located about 35 Km north-west of San Jose and can be accessed by a 4 lane highway. 

The city of Colon was originally known as Pacaca but its name was changed to Colon in 1916 to honor Christopher Columbus. The city conserves a rural and agricultural atsmosphere.

It belong to the 'Canton de Mora' county which mainly produces coffee, citrics, sugar cane, and cattle.
  1. Jicaro
  2. Riders
  3. School
  4. Andres
  5. Municipality building gardners
  6. Bell tower
  7. Inside school
  8. Municipality Building
  9. Church bell tower
  10. Salon de sesiones
  11. Sphere
  12. Jicaro Tree
  13. Famous Jicaro tree
  14. Sphere fountain

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