Usually all Costa Rican towns and cities have at least a park. Many cities have several beautiful parks used by all for recreation, relaxation and sports.
  1. Fuente Central
  2. Himno Nacional
  3. Arbol de Hule
  4. Cacique Garabito
  5. Parque Morazan Gardens
  6. El Pabellon
  7. Cork Trees
  8. Mauro Fernandez Acuña
  9. El Pabellon
  10. La Aparición
  11. Iglesia de Orosi
  12. Templo Parroquial de Heredia
  13. The Tile Makers
  14. A Gift
  15. The National Badge
  16. El Pabellon
  17. The Fountain
  18. Exit to School
  19. Overlooking the Factory
  20. Inside look
  21. Park Fountain
  22. North Entrance

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