Costa Rica has many different species of plants. Costa Rica has a variety of mini climates that promote the growth of many different species of flowers.
  • Strawberry Guava
  • Coffee Plant
  • Marantaceae
  • Tree Tomato
  • Musas
  • Heliconias
  • Orchids
  • Corpus Bromeliad
    1. Wild Black Berries
    2. Flor de un Dia
    3. Jackfruit Tree
    4. Jackfruit
    5. Cycad Flower
    6. Cashew fruit
    7. Cavendishia bracteata
    8. Pink Ginger
    9. Cacao fruits
    10. Mangosteen fruit
    11. Achiote fruit
    12. Bromeliad flowers
    13. Bromeliad floration detail
    14. Cotton
    15. Naranjilla
    16. Brugmansias
    17. Brugmansia White
    18. Brugmansias Pink
    19. Jícaro de playa
    20. Noni fruit
    21. Gloriosa rothschildiana
    22. Bread Fruit
    23. Yellow allamanda
    24. Water Apples
    25. Tropical Almonds
    26. Ylang Ylang flowers
    27. Bilimbi, Mimbro
    28. Bilimbi, Cucumber tree
    29. Cortez amarillo
    30. Cortez amarillo
    31. Clivia Mineata Yellow
    32. Roble Sabana tree
    33. Flor de Itabo
    34. Flor de Itabo
    35. Labios de Puta
    36. Labios de Puta
    37. Red Powder Puff
    38. Biribí fruit
    39. Tree Daisy
    40. Pokeberry flowers and berries
    41. Costus
    42. Costus
    43. Naranjilla fruits
    44. Poró tree in coffee plantation
    45. Tabacon
    46. Ripe coffee berries
    47. Acalypha Hispida
    48. Solandra Guttata
    49. Cacao
    50. Brazilian Red Cloak
    51. Megaskepasma Erythrochlamys
    52. Red Torch Ginger
    53. Red Torch Ginger
    54. Red Torch Ginger
    55. Kohleria bogotensis
    56. Merremia Tuberosa
    57. Forest lily
    58. Shell Ginger
    59. Stapelia Gigantea
    60. Shampoo Ginger - Maracas - Pinecone Ginger
    61. Ginger
    62. Aristolochia grandiflora
    63. Pelican Flower - Aristolochia grandiflora
    64. Pasiflora edulis
    65. Surinam Cherry - Pitanga
    66. Clivia Miniata Salmon
    67. Strelitzia Reginae - Birds of Paradise
    68. Brazilian Red Cloak
    69. Pasiflora
    70. Ortensias
    71. Ortensias
    72. Canna Yellow
    73. Calathea
    74. Squash Flower
    75. Azalea
    76. Lantana
    77. Coconut
    78. Calla Lily
    79. Coconuts
    80. Flowers
    81. Gloriosa rothschildiana buds
    82. Gloriosa rothschildiana

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