This is a yearly event held in Escazu. This is the day when all ox-cart owners get together and parade down the streets of Escazu. They end up in the San Antonio plaza, right in front of the church.  Then, an afternoon event with music, dances, and food is enjoyed by the "boyeros", their families, and expectators alike.

A parade of more than 250 ox carts begins in Escazu and slowly goes up to San Antonio. The parade is leaded by a music band called a "Cimarrona" and dancing "Gigantas" accompany the band. Behind the music come all the ox carts with their proud owners leading their oxen and the children inside the carts wearing their typical Costa Rican dresses.

All the oxcarts arrive in San Antonio and the party keeps on until the night with games, music, dances, and food.
  1. Baby yunta
  2. Boyero tico
  3. Young tico
  4. Pink hats
  5. Friends
  6. Happy boyero
  7. Horned couple
  8. Typical Orange Oxcart
  9. Pinto oxen
  10. White oxen, black cart
  11. Family activity
  12. Young oxen and keeper
  13. White oxen with black horns
  14. Oxcart friends
  15. Boyera
  16. Big horns
  17. It's a children's party!
  18. Stagnant oxcart
  19. Pulling the oxen
  20. Boyerito
  21. Urging the oxen
  22. White oxen
  23. Impressive ox
  24. Riding the oxcart
  25. Great oxen
  26. Young boyero
  27. Let's go!
  28. La Cimarrona band
  29. The Clown's soul
  30. La Bruja de Escazu
  31. Pinochio and Bozo
  32. Compare sizes
  33. The Devil and friends
  34. Waiting to start
  35. Father & Son
  36. Parade Queen
  37. Girl oxcart rider
  38. Young ox leader
  39. Gigantas
  40. People voting for re-ellection
  41. Well behaved oxen
  42. Children on board
  43. Dancing in front of church
  44. Folk Dances
  45. Very Costa Rican !
  46. Crossing a river
  47. Let's go !
  48. Street parade
  49. Plaza gathering
  50. Gathering
  51. Boyerito
  52. Boyeros
  53. Young boyero
  54. Parade

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