Held every year by the Costa Rican Orchid Association (ACO). Gathers an incredible collection of Costa Rican native and introduced orchid species and hybrids.
  • XXXIX Exposicion Nacional de Orquideas
    1. Ascocentrum miniatum
    2. Vanda "Crownfox Celestial Delight"
    3. Guaria Blanca
    4. Cymbidium "Jungle Jewel"
    5. Cattleya Yuan Grace
    6. Guaritonia "Why Not"
    7. Oncidium polycladium
    8. Catleya Chyong Guu Swan
    9. Coelogyne pulverula
    10. Cattleya
    11. Dendrobium chrysotoxum
    12. Asociacion Ramonense de Orquideologia
    13. Paphiopedilum Noir Mont
    14. Asociacion Naranjeña de Orquideologia
    15. Paphiopedilum
    16. Overview of exposition
    17. Dendrobium primulinum
    18. Monkey Face Orchid

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