Reserva Biologica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde

  1. Quetzal & Tucan
  2. Porcupine
  3. Jose Tosi Trail
  4. Quetzal
  5. Resplendent Quetzal
  6. Beryl-crowed Hummingbird
  7. Beryl-crowed Hummingbird
  8. Fig Tree
  9. The Monteverde Waterfall
  10. Birdwatching
  11. Quetzal's Tail
  12. Erick Bello Carranza
  13. Catarata Monteverde
  14. Reserve's cafeteria
  15. Restaurant and Shop
  16. Souvenirs Shop
  17. Welcome Sign
  18. Orange-breasted Trogon
  19. Forest Path
  20. Coati crossing
  21. Tarantula
  22. Inside the forest

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